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Friday 1 to 3pm

Held at Crumpsall Community Hall, Cleveland Road, Crumpsall.


Members' Feedback

We are only a class of 6-8 on a good day, but we’ve had an interesting year - we’ve done Twiddle Muffs for people with dementia, knitted small blankets, cardigans and bonnets for the Premature Baby Unit. Then we were given a grant towards a tutor who taught us how to make the Jesmonite coasters, we had a go at Macrame, Silk printing and Lino printing all of which were interesting and different.

Next, two of our own members of C3A have been showing us how to weave on small hand weaving frames, and jewellery making and needle felting making Robins for Christmas decorations!

So all in all a very varied year.

Many thanks to Carolyn for sorting the grant and a huge thank you to Carol and Carolyn for bringing all their own crafts and sharing them with us.   HB Oct 2024


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